Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Photoshops of the WORST kind

I think that you think that you think you know where this post is going.

I think.
                                                               Well,at least you tried.
                                      Oh my god,she looks like a demon possessed barbie doll.
                                        By the way Mattel,there is your new Barbie doll idea.
                                          You can have that for free,it's yours.
                                                        And it takes even longer to figure out
                                                          what went wrong on the process of
                                                                      making this.
                                                       I'll give her this;she at least remembered to
                                                                 photoshop the mirror.
                                                           So,that's a...(counts abs)..an EIGHT pack!
                                                                  By the way,I think he pumped a
                                                            little too much air into his arm right
                                                             Todd,how desperate are you?
                                                    He's both an innie AND an outie.
                                                     Well,I'll just let you see if you can figure out
                                                               what's wrong here.
                                                         Well Ho,ho,ho,hold that crap.
                                                       An accident with the scissors,perhaps?

       Just remember,guys,you don't have to change your body to impress other people.You're awesome    just the way you are!