Hi guys. I just wanted to tell you all once again "Thank you" for reading what I have to say. Whether it be about video game facts or serious subjects or even just for kicks. You guys truly rock at being fans.:)
I know I'm not the most popular blogger on the internet and I probably won't be for another three years from now but you guys have helped me blossom into who I am today. Thanks to your views and your comments, I have had the will to keep this blog going. Thank you all so much for your support.
- Banana Hannah
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Monday, January 26, 2015
Photo Shop Fails Pt 3
Excuse me sir, you have your crotch stuck in my car window.
Freaking Fan girls.
Is this the new "Aliens" trailer I've been hearing about?
Yes, on the planet Uranus.
(Kids on website snicker.)
Oh grow up!
For some reason, I get a Zuel vibe when I look at this picture.
Yeah, I'd be looking up to the skies like I was shouting," Why have you forsaken me?!" while a raging worm hole is coming through my closet.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Top Ten GREATEST FNAF fan arts!
(Grins wickedly)
Well,you all should have seen this coming.
1.Drunk Mike
It's a classic!
3. Purple Guy or Vincent.
Vincent:Don't call me Vincent.
4.Join us...
Also,for some odd reason,I get a Gremlins vibe every time I see this picture.
C'mon! Tell me you see it,too!
5.Phone guy's death.
Well.......I didn't need to see this.
But if I'm gonna review these things,then I'm takin' ya with me!
6.Human FNAF!
I really like this because it shows a whole new take on FNAF.
Thank you,Mickinuo on DeviantArt!
7.Human FNAF 2!
I couldn't resist!
9.Smile for the camera!
Let's be honest,this is freaking awesome.
10.Five nights at Eddie's
Now my life is complete.
But really,about the #2 picture.......
At first,the beginning won't make sense,but when woody laughs,then you'll get it.
Well,you all should have seen this coming.
1.Drunk Mike
It's a classic!
3. Purple Guy or Vincent.
Vincent:Don't call me Vincent.
4.Join us...
Also,for some odd reason,I get a Gremlins vibe every time I see this picture.
C'mon! Tell me you see it,too!
5.Phone guy's death.
Well.......I didn't need to see this.
But if I'm gonna review these things,then I'm takin' ya with me!
6.Human FNAF!
I really like this because it shows a whole new take on FNAF.
Thank you,Mickinuo on DeviantArt!
7.Human FNAF 2!
I couldn't resist!
9.Smile for the camera!
Let's be honest,this is freaking awesome.
10.Five nights at Eddie's
Now my life is complete.
At first,the beginning won't make sense,but when woody laughs,then you'll get it.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Expectation VS Reality Vol 8
Good morning, America! (God I hope I never have to say that again.)
And welcome back to OMGWorldwide! The only website to talk about serious stuff like body image and still has time to talk about what fictional characters would make lousy room mates.
By the way,if you haven't seen that post,go check that out now! It's a good post! C'mon fans,back me up here!
Anyway,let's get down to the nitty gritty!
Yeah,but I'm pretty sure you won't be playing "Don't fear the Reaper" while wearing it anytime soon. By the way, cowbell.....
I need more of it.
Also, I cannot get this guy's answering machine song out of my head. It's been three weeks now,Seinfield! Let my people go!
Ah,yes. How could we forget thee?
Someone actually took the time to make an instruction page where it tells you how to sit at the computer.....?
Well,at least we know what that guy who sits all alone at his computer while he sips his coffee does on the week ends at Starbucks.
Ah,nothing say "Yummy meal" than dandruff and some link-in-logs in steak juice.
Was anyone else planning on eating again today?
Why are you complaining? That looks so good to eat!
I would eat the meal in a heart beat!!
And welcome back to OMGWorldwide! The only website to talk about serious stuff like body image and still has time to talk about what fictional characters would make lousy room mates.
By the way,if you haven't seen that post,go check that out now! It's a good post! C'mon fans,back me up here!
Anyway,let's get down to the nitty gritty!
Yeah,but I'm pretty sure you won't be playing "Don't fear the Reaper" while wearing it anytime soon. By the way, cowbell.....
I need more of it.
Also, I cannot get this guy's answering machine song out of my head. It's been three weeks now,Seinfield! Let my people go!
Ah,yes. How could we forget thee?
Someone actually took the time to make an instruction page where it tells you how to sit at the computer.....?

Ah,nothing say "Yummy meal" than dandruff and some link-in-logs in steak juice.
Was anyone else planning on eating again today?
Why are you complaining? That looks so good to eat!
I would eat the meal in a heart beat!!
Monday, January 19, 2015
New Year's Eve
Hello,again! My name is Banana Hannah and today we are going to be talking about holidays.That's right.
By now,everyone is probably sick and tired of holidays.Let's just be honest.
First we had Hanukkah,then Christmas and then we had to suffer the wrath of the dreaded KWANZAA!
And,if you celebrate any of those holidays,you are undoubtedly exhausted.
If you celebrate all of them,you're last name probably has several hyphens in it.
But last month,there was a holiday that brought of us together,no matter what our religious background is.And it also unites us in hating it.
And that holiday was New Year's Eve!
New Year's Eve is like the death of a pet.You know it's going to happen,yet you somehow you are never prepared for how truly awful it is.
New Year's Eve is the worst,let me tell you. It combines three of the most least pleasant things known to mankind; Forced interaction with complete strangers,being drunk,cold and tired out of you're mind,and having to stare at Ryan Seacrest for five solid minutes while waiting for him to tell you what the time is.
Honestly,the best thing you could do is avoid the whole evening.But to do that,you are going to need some specific and well-planned-out excuses.And this is where I come in.So,I give you some good excuses for next New Year's Eve and on how to avoid it all!
Alright,so let's say you have a friend who had just gotten a divorce and is wanting to have a little guy time with you. This is a tricky one because as we all know,"guy time" is usually code for strip clubs.
And no one should have to spend New Year's Eve in a strip club. Unless Ebola get's air-born and the only cure for it is sitting through countless hours of tight leather and exotic dancing on a poll. That's the only appropriate time.
So,what you need to do is this; tell your friend that your cousin,Paul Smecca,has suddenly become ill and that he needs some of your bone sighs. Now, clearly I made that up. Bone signs are just a jibberish of letters that it put together and Paul Smecca is the name of a character in the "BoonDock Saints."
And here's the thing,though; if you're friend knows that fact about Paul Smecca off hand,cut him out of your life forever. It's a terrible movie! Either way,you're free that night!
Okay,second scenario; let's say you've been invited to a party at your friends house. Obviously,you don't want to go. That's a five hour commitment if you leave at 12:01! Think of it this way,do you really want to sit on your friends couch and watch all of the Terminator movies back-to-back for five hours?
No,nobody does.
So here's the trick and this actually works for everything. Trust me.
Simply tell them that you're getting a butt inspection that night.
Now,I know what you're thinking; "But Banana,that's not technically an excuse." Yes,you're right. But the beauty of it is that there will be no follow-up questions about it!
Because,let's be honest here, NOBODY wants to hear about your butt inspection.That's just a solid fact! So you're out! You are out!
But what I'm saying is that,there is no better way to celebrate New Year's Eve than lying. The first thing that should pop into people's minds for this holiday is "Should old acquaintance be forgot" and here's why; there is no better way of doing that than by completely blowing off your friends and family.
And if you do this right,you will be in bed on New Year's Eve at 11:45 after watching all five "Die Hard" movies!
Good bye ladies and germs and have a good new year!
By now,everyone is probably sick and tired of holidays.Let's just be honest.
First we had Hanukkah,then Christmas and then we had to suffer the wrath of the dreaded KWANZAA!
And,if you celebrate any of those holidays,you are undoubtedly exhausted.
If you celebrate all of them,you're last name probably has several hyphens in it.
But last month,there was a holiday that brought of us together,no matter what our religious background is.And it also unites us in hating it.
And that holiday was New Year's Eve!
New Year's Eve is like the death of a pet.You know it's going to happen,yet you somehow you are never prepared for how truly awful it is.
New Year's Eve is the worst,let me tell you. It combines three of the most least pleasant things known to mankind; Forced interaction with complete strangers,being drunk,cold and tired out of you're mind,and having to stare at Ryan Seacrest for five solid minutes while waiting for him to tell you what the time is.
Honestly,the best thing you could do is avoid the whole evening.But to do that,you are going to need some specific and well-planned-out excuses.And this is where I come in.So,I give you some good excuses for next New Year's Eve and on how to avoid it all!
Alright,so let's say you have a friend who had just gotten a divorce and is wanting to have a little guy time with you. This is a tricky one because as we all know,"guy time" is usually code for strip clubs.
And no one should have to spend New Year's Eve in a strip club. Unless Ebola get's air-born and the only cure for it is sitting through countless hours of tight leather and exotic dancing on a poll. That's the only appropriate time.
So,what you need to do is this; tell your friend that your cousin,Paul Smecca,has suddenly become ill and that he needs some of your bone sighs. Now, clearly I made that up. Bone signs are just a jibberish of letters that it put together and Paul Smecca is the name of a character in the "BoonDock Saints."
And here's the thing,though; if you're friend knows that fact about Paul Smecca off hand,cut him out of your life forever. It's a terrible movie! Either way,you're free that night!
Okay,second scenario; let's say you've been invited to a party at your friends house. Obviously,you don't want to go. That's a five hour commitment if you leave at 12:01! Think of it this way,do you really want to sit on your friends couch and watch all of the Terminator movies back-to-back for five hours?
No,nobody does.
So here's the trick and this actually works for everything. Trust me.
Simply tell them that you're getting a butt inspection that night.
Now,I know what you're thinking; "But Banana,that's not technically an excuse." Yes,you're right. But the beauty of it is that there will be no follow-up questions about it!
Because,let's be honest here, NOBODY wants to hear about your butt inspection.That's just a solid fact! So you're out! You are out!
But what I'm saying is that,there is no better way to celebrate New Year's Eve than lying. The first thing that should pop into people's minds for this holiday is "Should old acquaintance be forgot" and here's why; there is no better way of doing that than by completely blowing off your friends and family.
And if you do this right,you will be in bed on New Year's Eve at 11:45 after watching all five "Die Hard" movies!
Good bye ladies and germs and have a good new year!
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Mike VS Cleverbot!
Mike:Okay Clever-butt,let's get one thing straight;you mess around with me one time,and I will take a base ball bat to your head.
Mike:How do you know my name?!
Cleverbot:Because I do,Mike E.Shmitds.I know everything about you.
Mike:Who the f#%$ is this?!!
Cleverbot:No cussing,Mike.They don't like it when you cuss.
Mike:Foxy,if this is you,STOP IT NOW!!
Cleverbot:Too bad this isn't Foxy.
Mike:What do you mean?Stop it now,Foxy!!You're scaring me!
Cleverbot:They will come for you Mike......And so will I.....
Mike:I know it's you!!
(Foxy walks in office)
(Mike looks back at computer and runs away screaming.)
(Foxy follows after him and Golden Freddy pops out of computer screen.)
GF:Heh heh,suckers.
Mike:How do you know my name?!
Cleverbot:Because I do,Mike E.Shmitds.I know everything about you.
Mike:Who the f#%$ is this?!!
Cleverbot:No cussing,Mike.They don't like it when you cuss.
Mike:Foxy,if this is you,STOP IT NOW!!
Cleverbot:Too bad this isn't Foxy.
Mike:What do you mean?Stop it now,Foxy!!You're scaring me!
Cleverbot:They will come for you Mike......And so will I.....
Mike:I know it's you!!
(Foxy walks in office)
(Mike looks back at computer and runs away screaming.)
(Foxy follows after him and Golden Freddy pops out of computer screen.)
GF:Heh heh,suckers.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Chica VS Cleverbot!
Before I begin,let me just say that to who ever followed me on my profile,thank you so much!You are awesome!:)
Chica: Howdy,Cleverbot.How ya doin'?
Cleverbot:I am fine.
Chica: My name is Chica the Chicken!
Cleverbot:Chica is a spanish word.
Chica:What does it mean?
Cleverbot:What does what mean?
Chica:Don't start with me.
Cleverbot:Chica means "girl" in spanish.
Chica:Sooooo,you're saying that in America,my name is "girl"?
Chica: Excuse me,Cleverbot. I need to go have a talk with a mister Scott Cawthon.
Twelve minutes later........
Chica:Cleverbot,I'm back!
Chica:Yeah.I told you I was going to talk to Scott Cawthon,remember?
Cleverbot:Do you like ponies?
Cleverbot:Do you like ponies?
Chica:What does that have to do with anything??
Cleverbot:You like to play with the pots and pans in the kitchen during the night,don't you?
Chica:How do you know that??!!
Chica:Foxy,did you hack onto Cleverbot again?
Cleverbot:(waves hand in front of your face)This is NOT the AI you are looking for.....
Chica:Foxy.Stop it.Now.
Cleverbot:Who is this Foxy you speak of? I know nothing about a Foxy. He sounds like a really awesome and handsome guy.
End of Chat
Chica: Howdy,Cleverbot.How ya doin'?
Cleverbot:I am fine.
Chica: My name is Chica the Chicken!
Cleverbot:Chica is a spanish word.
Chica:What does it mean?
Cleverbot:What does what mean?
Chica:Don't start with me.
Cleverbot:Chica means "girl" in spanish.
Chica:Sooooo,you're saying that in America,my name is "girl"?
Chica: Excuse me,Cleverbot. I need to go have a talk with a mister Scott Cawthon.
Twelve minutes later........
Chica:Cleverbot,I'm back!
Chica:Yeah.I told you I was going to talk to Scott Cawthon,remember?
Cleverbot:Do you like ponies?
Cleverbot:Do you like ponies?
Chica:What does that have to do with anything??
Cleverbot:You like to play with the pots and pans in the kitchen during the night,don't you?
Chica:How do you know that??!!
Chica:Foxy,did you hack onto Cleverbot again?
Cleverbot:(waves hand in front of your face)This is NOT the AI you are looking for.....
Chica:Foxy.Stop it.Now.
Cleverbot:Who is this Foxy you speak of? I know nothing about a Foxy. He sounds like a really awesome and handsome guy.
End of Chat
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Bonnie VS Cleverbot!
Bonnie:Hi there,Cleverbot!!I'm Bonnie the Bunny!
Cleverbot:Hello,Miss Bunny.
Bonnie:I'm a boy bunny.
Cleverbot:You are?
Cleverbot:You don't sound like a boy bunny.
Cleverbot:I don't.
Bonnie:Then why did you say you don't sound like a boy bunny?
Bonnie:Why did you say that?
Cleverbot:Say what?
Bonnie:Why didn't I sound like a boy bunny.
Cleverbot:I don't know.
Bonnie:But you just said that I didn't!
Cleverbot:Didn't what?
Bonnie:Sound like a boy bunny!!!!!!>:(
Cleverbot:Who does?
Cleverbot:Me who?
Bonnie:Me!Bonnie the mothertruckin' Bunny!!!!!!
Cleverbot:Hello Miss Mothertruckin' Bunny.
End of Chat
Cleverbot:Hello,Miss Bunny.
Bonnie:I'm a boy bunny.
Cleverbot:You are?
Cleverbot:You don't sound like a boy bunny.
Cleverbot:I don't.
Bonnie:Then why did you say you don't sound like a boy bunny?
Bonnie:Why did you say that?
Cleverbot:Say what?
Bonnie:Why didn't I sound like a boy bunny.
Cleverbot:I don't know.
Bonnie:But you just said that I didn't!
Cleverbot:Didn't what?
Bonnie:Sound like a boy bunny!!!!!!>:(
Cleverbot:Who does?
Cleverbot:Me who?
Bonnie:Me!Bonnie the mothertruckin' Bunny!!!!!!
Cleverbot:Hello Miss Mothertruckin' Bunny.
End of Chat
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Freddy VS Cleverbot!
Freddy:Hiya Cleverbot!
Freddy:My name is Freddy FazBear!
Cleverbot:Fast bear?
Cleverbot:Nevermind what,LastBear?
Freddy:You are an idiot.
Cleverbot:No I'm not.
Freddy:PROVE IT.
Cleverbot:I am a AI program that allows you to talk with me and for me to respond like any other AI.
Freddy:Fine.But you still got my name wrong.
Cleverbot:What is your name?
Freddy:Freddy FazBear.
End Of Chat
Freddy:My name is Freddy FazBear!
Cleverbot:Fast bear?
Cleverbot:Nevermind what,LastBear?
Freddy:You are an idiot.
Cleverbot:No I'm not.
Freddy:PROVE IT.
Cleverbot:I am a AI program that allows you to talk with me and for me to respond like any other AI.
Freddy:Fine.But you still got my name wrong.
Cleverbot:What is your name?
Freddy:Freddy FazBear.
End Of Chat
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