Welp, since you guys apparently loved my post on weird phobias, I thought I'd do another one.
So here it is, enjoy!
Ablutophobia: This is the fear of taking a bath.
Anyone that has this phobia fears bathing, washing or cleaning themselves in general.
Women and children deal with this phobia more than men do but children grow out of it.
In fact, the film Psycho effected the it's viewers so badly that they actually gave some this phobia after the shower murder scene.
Not the modern day Psycho, the one that was actually good.
Philophobia: Some people Stop in the name of love!
And others get crippled with fear.
People with Philophobia have a strong fear of falling in love.
This fear can be caused from a horrible experience with a past love or relationship leading to the desire to be secluded from others.
Heliophobia: It's not just vampires now!
Now you too can be afraid of the sun!
Heliophobia is the fear of the sun, sunlight or any type of bright light for that matter.
Ecophobia: Remember that monster you were afraid was going to come out of your closet?
Well, just imagine your entire house being the closet!
Ecophobia is the fear of a house or objects inside a house.
In 1808, a poet named Robert Shelton first used the term to describe his desire to leave his home and travel.
Trypophobia: To us, they're just holes.
To them, it's just pure fear!
Tyypophobia is the fear of objects that have odd patterns on them.
Most people who have this phobia tend to have a bad past with holes.
Oh, I can think of one........:}
Plot holes in movies!
Those tick me off!
Well, if you just looked at this picture and didn't run away from this post then you don't have it!
Pogonophobia is simply the fear a beards.
Seriously, you have nerves of steel!
Neophobia: This is the fear of newness.
This fear generally manifests with the elderly.
In it's mild state, it causes the person to be unable the break a routine and try anything new.
It can also be used to describe anger towards change in general.
So if you're one of those people who hate change, that's you!
Nomophobia: The fear of being out of mobile contact.
This pretty much means the fear of not having any phone access.
So, pretty much the whole country has this?
Pantaphobia: And that doesn't mean the fear of pants.
It means the fear of everything.
Which I guess means pants, too.
So, if they're afraid of everything, does that mean that they're afraid of the fear of everything?
And that's all for this post, folks!
If you want to see more, you know where to look!
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