(sings in Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme song)
This is a story all about how
My life got turned up side down,
My computer kept lagging so I
Had to get a new system,
I don't think there's anything that rhymes
With system
Aw, forget this.
So when I was a wee lass, my mom always told me that you gotta try everything you eat at least once and that you don't have to like it, you just have to try it.
That advice actually helped me in life because now, I pretty much am open up to all kinds of food!
Fortunately, no amount of advice could get me to try some of these foods. (i said some.)
Here they are, the Top Ten CRAZIEST Foods in the World!
10. Fried Brain Sandwiches:
Perhaps you would like a side with that, Gladys?
Made from fried calves brains, this dish is popular in Salvador Mexico and even the good ol' USA!
It has a mushy texture and is a very bland tasting food so lot's of sauces are recommended.
Hang on a minute, I need to go write a letter to someone.
Dear Person who came up with this dish,
Lay off the zombie movies.
Sign, Banana Hannah.
9. Rocky Mountain Oysters:
Now, I know what you're thinking; They don't look that bad, right?
They are just oysters, right?
That's just a fancy name that was given to these things.
What they really are is testicles!
Made from Yak, Boar and Ox testicles, this delight is found and is popular in Canada and USA.
They are buttered, floured and then deep fried.
Oh, and sometimes, they come with some cocktail sauce.
Heh, cocktail.
Get it?
Oh, how does one prepare such a delicate dish?
(says in cowboy voice and holds up a pair of scissors) Sorry Bessie, but I gots to eat t'night!
8. Balut:
Aw jeez, this one.....
Popular in Cambodia, the Philippines and Vietnam, this is basically a duck or chicken egg with the embryo almost completely developed inside of it.
To them, this is their equivalent to hot dogs because it is sold by street vendors.
.................yeah, I've got no joke for this one.
7. Deep Fried Tarantula:
(my little bro, Carter, walks in with a stack of papers)
Cater: Hey Banana? I've got some new made-up food ideas we can put on this post!
Me: Uh, Cater, all this food on this post isn't made-up.
Cater: ................wait, you mean all this stuff is real?! That's it, I quit! (walks out)
Okay then.....
Popular in Cambodia, these are served very often and as a tasty snack!
You can buy them individually or in a pack to eat them like fries.
Me:(hears Carter puking in the background) Sorry, buddy.
6. Frog Sashima:
It's not easy being green!
In Tokyo, raw-skinned frog is a much welcomed dish!
And if that isn't yummy enough for you, some chefs will cut open an alive frog and give you it's still beating heart for you to consume!
Because killing things smaller than you gives you power!
But really, who would want a still beating heart for snack time?
Can you imagine how awkward it would be for you to get that snack to eat at preschool?
Jeff: Hey Todd, what did you get for snack time today?
Todd: I got a juicebox and some apples. What did you get?
Jeff: Oh, just some still beating hearts of a still-living frog! And a water bottle.
Popular in Iceland, Hakarl is made by gutting a Greenland Basking Shark, letting it ferment for two months after which, it reeks of ammonia.
It's available all year around and is ofter served as cubes on tooth picks.
Aw, just one piece?
I was hoping for a big chunk of ammonia smelling, fermented shark meat!
Warning: This is clearly for satirical purposes. The people who make this in Iceland kick a$$ and I'm sure their families kick a$$
4. Fugu :
Fugu is the Japanese word for poisonous Puffer Fish.
These fish are filled with a deadly toxin that only a specially trained chef with years of experience can prepare it.Strangely, some chefs prefer to leave just a little of the toxin in the meal which causes a tingling feeling in the lips and tongue.
Yeah, and survey says;
3. Casu Marzu:
Is that bread pudding?
No, it's sheep's milk infested by maggots!
Found in Sardinia Italy, translucent worms are added to the cheese to help promote fermentation.
What's most disturbing is that some people who eat this stuff actually prefer to leave the maggots in.
2. Yak Penis:
Jesus, what's up with all this men-crotch related foods?
Popular in Beijing China, this one's known as the dragon and the flame of desire.
Or as I call it, A Big Honkin' Yak Donger!
Consuming this dish is said to be good fortune, according to the locals and it cost's hundreds of dollars.
1. Tuna Eye Ball:
Found in Japanese grocery stores for about one US dollar, this comes with being surrounded by severed muscles in fish fat and apparently tastes like squid.

You know, out of all the foods I've shown you, this one isn't that bad.
I just have one question;
WTF kind of tune had an eye that big??!
Looks like they plucked out poor Godzilla's eye out!
Well that's all for this post folks!
If you want to see more, you know where to look!
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