Thursday, August 4, 2016

Top Ten Creepiest Vocaloid songs Pt 1

Welcome my fellow geek-o-bites!
How's it been?

Anyway, for those of you who don't know what Vocaloids are, (what, like two of you?) Vocaloids are voice synthesizers that come that take bits of real people singing and use it to create new singing voices.
These voices have characters to go with them like, Rin and Len, Miku and my personal favorite, Luka.

People use these kawaii characters to create song of their own.
Some times the songs can be happy and cute and fun!

.......But then there are "those" songs.

If you've been in the Anime or Otaku community, you've probably come across songs that people make to be creepy, dark and just down-right skin crawling.

And I'm counting them all down today!

10. Fear Garden: This song is sung by Kagomine Rin.

This song, if you haven't heard it already, it's about a girl who loves killing people, ripping off their arms, and then using them as garden decorations.


On the creepy factor, I have to put this pretty low on the list.
Never the less, it's still creepy.

 I heard people have feet and hand fetishes but YEESH.

9. O Light: This is relativly a newer song.

Have you ever had a nightmare that you couldn't wake up from and became increasingly more and more terrifing?

Well, in this song by Kikuo, Kikuo shows just how it feels!

Now conisidering that this producer often makes songs with vague lyrics, you could also see this as the young girl sings about the weight and delusions of life.

The art style is really interesting and I have to give credit for the music distortions that happen at random along with the parts that just go absolutly quiet for a long time.

If you're looking for a Vocaloid song that interests you yet creeps you out at the same time, I definitly recomend O Light.

8. Circle you Circle You by Zawzawa P: If you ask someone for creepy Vocaloid song, there's a pretty strong chance that you'll come across this little "gem".

The song is based of an old Japanese children's game called Kagome Kagome, meaning Circle you Circle you.

The object of the game is for one person to sit in a circle of other players while blindfolded.

The other players circle the person in the center while chanting Kagome Kagome.

When the chant ends, the player in the center must name off the person who is sitting behind them.

In the context of the song, you, the viewer, have found an abandoned orphanage and have also found children in said orphanage who have been experimented on by scientists.

The ask you to come join the game but if you lose you either die of lose and arm.

I choose the ladder.
But hey, that's just me not wanting to die, y'know!

If you guess correctly, well, tough for you because the same fates still happen to you anyway.


What kind of sick game is th-

Oh, forgot.

Well, anyway, on to number 7!

7. Baterial Contamination by Deino: Hey kiddies, wanna get some good ol' nightmare fuel for tonight?

Well, then look no further!
Deino is here on the case!

The animation is FENOMENAL here and I actually got creeped out by it even more than the song lyrics itself.

Either way, the song was a great way to tell the story of an infected and heartless being who takes pleasure in infecting others and shuns away when others reach out to help her with her condition.

And, to be honest, to entire time I  first was watching the music video, all I thought was;

That must have taken a long time to animate....

Well, if you've made it this far, then go check out my other posts until I get Part 2 of this post out! Later! ;)

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