Sunday, March 1, 2015

Ten CRAZIEST laws in the World

I'm sorry.
I couldn't help myself.

So, I'll be leaving on a vacation in May and this made think of other ways to travel.
And part of traveling to other places, such as other countries, is to not only check to see what you should bring, but what kind of laws they have.

So after doing some research, I saw some articles that warned you about the most insane laws from other places before you enter them.

And here they are!

1. It's Illegal to wear a Bullet-Proof Vest while Committing a Crime in New Jersey: Yes, this is a real law in New Jersey!
If you plan to commit any crime, you can't where a bullet-proof vest while doing it.
Because, you know;
You don't wanna break the law.

I mean, if you are committing a crime, I would think that you would be more worried about a bullet through the chest than the charges of wearing one!

Example: ( looks up from computer)
So that's how you rob a bank?
Alright, I'm ready, let's do this!
Wait, what's this.......
(reads part that says about the bullet-proof vest law.)
Well, d***.
Whole thing's off then.
(grabs toy kitten and hugs it)
We don't wanna get in trouble, do we Boo Boo?
We don't wanna disappoint, Mama.

2. In Finland, if someone Speed's, than the amount of which the Driver get's Charged with depends on the Income he gets: There had been several cases where a wealthy person get's charged with thousands and even millions of dollars due to speeding and the breaking of other driving laws.

Okay, we need this law in the USA!
I mean, it's always the rich guy that's ramming around in his car.
So, instead of giving him a three-hundred dollars which is nothing, how about three-million dollars and then we can see how he likes to ride around in his fancy car.

3. Yellow Margarine is Illegal in Missouri: This law from the 19th century has somehow survived to today.
Nobody knows why this law exists but some would say that it has to do with protecting butter-making farmers way back in the day, but regardless, it can land you a half a year in prison.

Speaking of which, I got a can of yellow margarine right here, only five dollars....
(police sirens in the background)

Gotta get rid of the evidence!!
(Starts stuffing face with margarine)

4.It's Illegal to Die on the House of Parliament: You heard me right.
In the UK, it's illegal to die in the House of Parliament because it's a royal palace and anyone who dies in it is un-entitled to a state funeral.
As far as the law goes, if you look the least bit sickly, palace guard will physically carry you out of the building. 
God forbid you to cough.

5.It's Illegal to chew gum Publicly: In Singapore, you can't chew gum outside your home and gum is only available in pharmacies.
They can only be used for personal use at home,
(get you mind out of the gutter, you perverts.)
and for therapeutic purposes.

This law was made after authorities started to notice dicarded gum pieces piling up in nearly everywhere!

 6. You Can Legally Marry the Dead in France: Yep. In France, you can legally marry a dead person as long as you were engaged to the person when they were alive.

7. Kissing in Public is Illegal in Dubai: In fact, any public display of affection in Dubai is illegal in the United Arab Emirates.
There had been plenty of stories of UK and USA couples who had vacationed there only to spend a month in jail simply because they kissed.

See, this is why I don't want to go to Dubai.
As amazing as it is, you would just in trouble for doing simple stuff.
Like, dancing, kissing and wearing a chicken outfit while throwing M and M's at people.
Y'know, every-day life stuff!

8.It's Illegal to Drive a Dirty Car in Russia: In Moscow, it's illegal to drive a dirty car because they don't want the driver's car plate to be covered up.

9. Being Fat is Illegal in Japan: In 2009, Japanese lawmakers maximum weight size for men over 40 at thirty-three inches and women over 40 to 55 to thirty-five inches.

10.Tibetan Monks need permission to reincarnate: This law was created by the Chinese government and now you may start to question your trip on going to there.

Well, that's all for this post, folks!
If you want to see more, you know where to look!

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